We are just like you, humans been trapped in all this mess after the covid-19 trying to do our best in daily basics, taking care of the ones we love and helping all the ones around us. My name is Elisabeth, I lost my father at a young age from lung cancer that followed into a metastasis and…. as for every family in this world, see the one you love dying from a sickness is devastating especially when actually, I believe that disease is cause from the things we eat,( full of parasites and chemicals, sugar that feed cancer cells, the air we breathe, constantly sprayed with chemicals, knowns as well as chemtrails or exotic weapons some chemicals are aluminium, sulphate particles what take them to a population control, psychological manipulation, weather modification etc…) the water we drink ( more aluminium), vaccines since we born and more ways to poison ourself that we didn’t know and still more that we don’t know yet, but sure are there, watch out!! Time past and I started to be interesting in nutrition and other interesting natural therapies as Sea water, Theta healing, Kinesiology, oxidative therapies, bioneuroemotion, realizing that emotions and thoughts are affecting the body in a way that they could change your life to be the best version of yourself or take you to a sickness.My husband Craig (who is been always a builder, now interested in health as well) and i, want to collaborate in unified and healing the world with other centres open around the word, using this scalar frequency technology that is helping us, our families, and others to back to our origins of health, allowing the body to heal itself to enjoy a better life. The future of our children is here, and we are ready for it.
Thank you for choosing us, hope you find what you are looking for and see you soon.